Thursday 9 June 2016

Hatching Hub Issue #1

Hatching Hub

Welcome to the first issue of Mentone Park's Hatching Hub! The place where you can find all the latest information and updates about our exciting new additions to Mentone Park.

The story so far...
Last year we rescued 10 chickens from a battery farm. The frightened and malnourished animals arrived at Mentone Park, ready for some TLC from our grade 3 and 4s. In no time they were brought back to health and laying regularly. At the end of the year the chickens went to two Mentone Park families and we planned to rescue a new set in 2016. At the start of the year we investigated battery hens again, however there was going to be a wait of up to a term. Thus we hatched a new idea!

By Kirby, Elly, Sienna G and Izzy


On Tuesday 3rd of May, 19 eggs went into the incubator

The thermometer helps us make sure the eggs stay at exactly the right temperature of 103 degrees

A sign is put up to ensure the eggs and area are kept safe

A look inside the egg on Day 6 - the veins are finally visible!

Day 20 - a crack appears!

Day 21 - a baby chick has hatched! The chick needs to stay in the incubator for 2 days while it builds its strength and will feed off the nutrients from its hatched egg.

Two days after hatching, the chick is placed in the tank under a heat lamp to help keep warm. Grade 1 students keenly observe as the chick adapts to its new surroundings.

We start to worry that our chick might be the only one. We use our candler (special torch) to check the eggs but sadly there are no signs of growing life in all the eggs and the hatching cycle for chickens has ended.

But wait! We notice 2 different shades of egg; brown and white. We begin to wonder if in fact they are chicken eggs! After some investigation, we leave certain eggs in the incubator and wait patiently,  with our fingers, toes and wings crossed!

Day 29 - a crack appears! Day 30 - we are joined by our new friend, the duckling! The duckling also needs to spend 2 days in the incubator while it gathers its strength and will feed off of the nutrients from its shell.

After 2 days the duckling is ready to go under the heat lamp. We test them in together but being bigger, the chick is curious and loves to the peck the duckling. We separate them for a night until the duckling finds its feet.

Because we all love having friends here at Mentone Park, five more chicks join us from a hatchery. Here they snuggle together to keep warm.

After tipping over all their food, they kindly posed for a family photo. Sadly one of the chicks from the hatchery was not strong enough and passed away, but we still have 5 beautiful little fluffy friends to love and care for!

What a journey it has been, and it's only issue #1! A huge thank you to the people that have helped our little friends along the way...- Nuline Bus Company for donating the incubator
- Miss Arentz's Dad for the eggs from his farm
- Chris Mcleod of Mentone Aquarium for lending us the heat lamp
- The Junior School Students for caring for the chicks
- Dayna Mignone for planting the seed and getting the chicken shed going

In a few weeks our fluffy friends will be able to venture outside into our AMAZING chicken shed and there they will be met by...

Our lovely three hens!

Thank you to the White family for organising the donation of these chooks!
Stay tuned for the next issue of the Hatching Hub with lots more news and student work! Below are some artistic and descriptive pieces by Grades 1 & 2!